View of the Austrian Parliament Building in Vienna, showcasing its grand neoclassical architecture with tall columns and a large Austrian flag on the roof. In the foreground, there is the Pallas Athena Fountain featuring detailed sculptures of figures.


Imagine waltzing through the grand halls of Vienna’s Schönbrunn Palace or exploring the city’s cobblestone streets echoing with the clip-clop of horsedrawn carriages and the scent of apple strudel lingering in the air. Austria is a land where imperial history meets modern vibrancy and where every corner whispers tales of emperors and composers. Our expertly crafted tours invite you to experience the magic of Austria from the soaring spires of St. Stephen’s Cathedral to the cozy charm of a traditional wine tavern. Come experience the beauty of this captivating country for yourself.

Language Spoken:
German and English
Currency Used:
Euro (€)
Temperature Range:
30-80°F (-1-27°C)
Capital City:
Best Known Dish:
Wiener Schnitzel
Best Known Drink:
Central European Standard Time (GMT+1)

Helpful phrases

Guten Morgen • GOO-ten MOR-gen
(Good Morning)

Servus! • SER-voos
This informal greeting is used in Austria and Bavaria.

Danke schön • DAHN-keh shurn
(Thank you very much)

Cultural faux pas

Not making eye contact when toasting

Guided package tours that include Austria: